Maintenance and maintenance of construction machinery and equipment in summer

2023-06-30 11:01

        The maintenance and maintenance in summer is of great significance for the safe use of construction machinery in high temperature environment and the extension of the service life of the whole machine.

                                                     Fault in high temperature environment

        1, hydraulic system failure

       The hydraulic system in the high temperature environment will often burst the pipe, joint oil leakage, solenoid valve coil burned, hydraulic valve stuck, loud noise and other failures; In systems using accumulators, the accumulator may be damaged due to high hydraulic oil temperature;

        In the summer, the aging circuit is more likely to cause the skin to crack due to the thermal expansion and contraction of the metal, resulting in short circuit failure; The electrical components in the control cabinet are also prone to failure in the high temperature season, and the key control components such as industrial computer and PLC may also crash, run slowly, and control failure.

       2, lubrication system failure

        Drilling rig in high temperature for a long time, will lead to poor lubrication system performance, oil deterioration, chassis and other transmission system easy to wear, and will affect the appearance of paint, brake system, clutch, throttle control system and metal structure.

      3. Engine failure

      Under high temperature conditions, it is easy to cause the engine to "boil", which decreases the viscosity of the oil, resulting in cylinder pulling, tile burning and other failures, and also reduces the output power of the engine.

       Continuous high temperature has strict requirements on the permeability of the radiator, which requires the cooling system to run continuously at high load, reducing the life of the cooling system fans, water pumps and other components, and especially frequent use of air conditioning compressors and fans, which is also easy to lead to its failure.

       4. Other components are faulty

       The summer temperature is high, the humidity is high, if the battery vent is blocked, it will cause the explosion due to the internal pressure rise; Tire working in high temperature environment, not only tire wear will be aggravated, but also due to the internal pressure increase will cause the tire burst;

       The transmission tape will become longer in the summer, which will lead to transmission slippage, accelerated wear, and failure to adjust in time will lead to belt breakage and other failures; The small cracks in the cab glass will cause the cracks to expand and even burst in summer because of the large temperature difference between the inside and outside or the splash of water.


                                                       Emergency treatment scheme

        1. Engine emergency treatment plan

        "Boiling pot" is one of the most common faults caused by high temperature of construction machinery. When the water temperature is too high, you can not rush to open the water radiator cover to dissipate heat, and then replenish water after natural cooling.

        When the engine is found to be "boiling", it should immediately stop the operation, let the engine idle for a few minutes, when the water temperature drops and is no longer boiling, wrap the water radiator cover with a towel soaked in water, carefully unscrew part of the water radiator cover, release water vapor, and then turn the boiling water radiator cover after the water vapor is released.

        2. How to add coolant

        When adding coolant, it is best to add the same type of coolant in the water radiator, and be sure to wait until the water temperature drops to about 70 ° C.

        The "gradual water injection method" should be adopted to gradually cool down, and the water can not be added too fast and too fast at a time, that is, when the water is added, the engine is idled and the filling is slow to ensure the safety of the operator and equipment.

       3, brake overheating treatment scheme

       When the brake is overheated, it is not possible to directly use cold water to flush the engine, which may cause damage to some parts inside the engine, and may even make the engine cylinder block, cylinder liner and other parts burst. This will reduce its life and performance, so it must be shut down and allowed to cool naturally.

                                                           Maintenance measures

       1, do the early maintenance of construction machinery

       Entering the summer, it is best to do a comprehensive maintenance of construction machinery, and focus on the maintenance of equipment and components prone to high temperature failure; Replace the filter and oil of the engine, replace or adjust the tape, check whether the performance of the fan, water pump, generator and compressor is reliable, and maintain, repair or replace it if necessary.

         Appropriately improve the viscosity level of the oil, and check whether the cooling system and fuel system are smooth; Replace aging wires, plugs and hose, check and tighten fuel lines to prevent fuel leakage; Clean the oil and dust of the engine body to ensure that the engine is "lightly loaded" and has good heat dissipation.

       2, summer construction, focus on maintenance and maintenance methods

       2.1 Oil and lubricating oil should be replaced with summer oil, and the amount of oil is appropriate; Often check whether there is oil leakage, especially fuel, should be replenished in time.

       2.2 Battery liquid should be replenished in time, charging current should be properly reduced, circuit connectors should be firm and reliable, aging lines should be replaced, and fuse capacity should meet the requirements for safe use. The equipment should be equipped with a fire extinguisher.

      2.3 Keep the equipment in a cool place as much as possible to avoid sunlight exposure. Properly reduce the tire pressure, beware of blowouts.

      2.4 Pay attention to the damage of rain and dust to the equipment, and it is best to replace all kinds of filter elements regularly. The radiator of the hydraulic system should be cleaned regularly so that it can maintain good heat dissipation effect. Avoid prolonged overload. It is strictly prohibited to use water to cool down the overheating of the brake.

      2.5 Check whether the steel structure, transmission box and axle components of the equipment are flexible and whether there are small cracks to prevent damage caused by high temperature in summer. Rust should be removed, repaired and painted in time to avoid more rain in summer, which will lead to increased rust.

      The maintenance of construction machinery and equipment, especially the maintenance in the summer high temperature environment, should follow the principle of timely and reasonable, all-inclusive, in order to improve the performance of the equipment and adapt to the external high temperature and working conditions. Track and manage the device, timely understand the dynamic performance of the device, and formulate specific measures for different devices during specific operations.

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